
Keeping It Natural

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Happy birthday to the best person in the whole wide world: My momma 🙂

I get my love for chocolate from my mom.

We all go through that stage in adolescence where we claim to hate our mothers, and everything about them. As a teenage, life plainly sucks. No one who has lived through it will say otherwise. The good news? You come to realize how stupid you were at 16 and respect the one woman who truly stuck by your side through the anger, the tears, the angry emotional words, the awkwardness, the stand-offish attitudes, the ‘leave-me-alone’ shouts. My mother always made me laugh when I thought it would be impossible to laugh again. My mom became my best friend. I tell her pretty much everything (let’s face it…sometimes there are things a mother doesn’t need to know about her daughter…it would only give her a further need to worry. And I mean this in the nicest manner possible. It’s not like I’m out killing people on a whim.) and whenever I need a piece of advice, guess who always has the right answer 98% of the time?

My favorite on-screen mom? Maria Bello in 'Flicka'. She reminds me of my mom in so many ways.

That’s right. My mother.

So, happy birthday to the best mother a girl could ask for. I’ll be raising a rum and Coke in her honor in less than 3 hours…

Yes, I know these are martini's and I said I'd be having a rum and Coke. I like both!

….if I can make it up the hill to my apartment, that is.

The weather has been absolutely nuts here. I believe it stopped snowing for 30 minutes today. That’s it. Otherwise it has been a constant downpour of white flakes. I’m watching the millions of individual ice crystals fall as we speak. This does not bode well for my drive home. Thankfully, it’s not as late a return to my abode as last night. I should have been home earlier yesterday evening, but who decides to show up 20 minutes late without a decent warning? My replacement. When it’s been snowing outside for the last two hours (and quite heavily) you do not leave your house at the normal time. The courteous thing to do is leave your house earlier in the attempt to be on time.

The nerve. It doesn’t help that this guy has got to be near the age of 70, and he thinks his opinion is the only one. My favorite exchange with him? When he tried telling me the right route for me to go home (as in to my parent’s home). Apparently, the highway I’ve been taking for the last 5 years of my life has been the wrong one. I most certainly do not take that highway home. Really? In that case, I have stumbled upon the most accommodating and loving group of strangers that look identical to my parents. You’re right. How stupid of me to take THAT highway. If I took the highway you “know” I take home, I’d end up in a different state and at least 200 miles away from my real home.

I find this hilarious...just like my conversation with my dear, old coworker.

This is why there is a generational gap of manners between our older folks and us young ones. We don’t respect the elderly because they have a different way of doing things from us young pups. In return, the older generations don’t give us the intellectual time of day because “we don’t know what we’re talking about.” This isn’t true of all people in either generation. But, it’s a chip in the bigger picture of why our two generations war with each other constantly.

The underlying theme is really powerful, if you take the time to listen.

There is a book in the Jedi Apprentice book series that challenges that idea. What happens when generations war with each other so greatly that there is no middle ground? You’re left with two age groups: the elderly and the very young. Why? Because the middle-aged able-bodied ones go off to fight the battles. They end up all dying, and leaving the less able-bodied ones behind to take matters into their own hands. Suddenly, you’re left with two different frames of mind, two different viewpoints, and hardly a chance for negotiation because the mind sets are built with brick by that time.

Oy. Talk about a heavy subject for a Saturday evening.

“Get a clean, natural-line eyebrow by pulling out all your unnatural brows, and penciling in the natural ones.”

This isn’t beauty advice I would heed from Elizabeth Hawes, the feminist fashion designer.

The first Tim Gunn?

Eyebrows should never be monkeyed with. They should be left to take on their natural shape at all costs…unless you have a unibrow. Those are just plain nasty. Get rid of it. The only person who could really pull it off was Frida Kahlo…even then, I got the heeby-jeebies.

Ladies and Gentlemen...This is NOT normal.

I have a confession to make. One of my ex-boyfriends was terrible at keeping his unibrow under control. His appearance wasn’t near the top of his priority list when it came down to it. (How did I end up going into public with him most nights? I’m not too sure myself. Ha!) But one night in particular, it was crazier than usual and I just had it. I was tired of looking at it, let alone the thought of letting myself kiss a face with that hairy worm going across his forehead. Enough is enough. I strode into my bathroom, commanded that he follow me, sat him down on the toilet seat and put my tweezers in hand. Without even asking, I just went to work on it. I shaped up a man’s eyebrows. Didn’t even ask if he wanted a hot compress on his eyebrows in order to open the pores more, so the pain wouldn’t be as significant. Nope. He let that caterpillar get out of control, and I took it into my own hands to fix it.

Now, I don't own precision tweezers, but I'm good at what I do.

Now, here’s the confession: I became addicted to it right then and there. Whenever I saw a stray hair pop up between his now manly defined eyebrows, I skipped to the bathroom for my tweezers and asked to fix the small, itty-bitty problem for him. I started being polite at first, then it quickly became aggressive because the pain got to him more than originally thought.

Best Eyebrows in Hollywood award goes to Keira Knightley

Seriously, guys can be wussies sometimes. Pain is beauty, gents. Pain is beauty.

We don’t shave our legs because it’s fun. It’s a necessity if we want to continue the breeding of our human race.

Joey understands our pain. He's shaved his legs like a great method actor does!

Anyways, you know one of my less darker secrets, and I’m okay with it. You might even be a little grossed out. But think about it…I’m sure you have your little secret that you find bizarre, but mostly completely sane. It might gross us out, too. However, you’re not spilling your guts. I am.

I won’t judge.

A week from this time, I will be Cincinnati. With my best friend. It’s going to be won-der-ful. I need to put together our itinerary, otherwise what will we do while i am there? Let me tell you….adventures of all sorts.

Keep safe out there, my fellow Jedi. The weekend is in full swing!

Get your groove on! Even Jedi are allowed to dance!

My Inner Solo

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I have spring fever, baby.

Except my abs look nothing liker hers....yet! That's why I need spring!

I’m starting to feel the rumblings deep inside my core…I need to change. This change…what sort of change, you might ask. The need for more sunshine? That’s always a given. I’m addicted to having dark skin, but you should know, I refuse to sit in those death beds also known as tanning beds. Two words for their real name: Death. Beds.

Kate Middleton loves her brown locks.

Do I need to make a physical change? Like, lose more weight. I’m working on it. But now I’m at the point where I also need to tone up. A tiny waist and flappy arms isn’t going to be attractive to anyone. Not even myself. Do I need to wear less make-up? I’m excited for the hot temps that will push me more in the direction of au natural. How about my hair? Should I dye it? I know the sun will work its highlighting magic on my locks the instant it decides to stay out from behind those puffy white things called clouds, so I’m going to stay away from the hair dye for now. Besides, dark dark brown locks make me look more mysterious anyways.

“Look, it’s one of the great mysteries of the world. I think I’m vaguely blonde. To be perfectly frank, I don’t know.”

Those are the words of one of our world’s true leading ladies and Hollywood classics, Cate Blanchett. In case you haven’t figured it out, she’s talking about the natural hue of her hair. If you’re a huge geek like me, you will recognize her more fully as the Elven Queen Galadriel than anything else.

She can have whatever hair color she wants. She played an Elven Queen.

See? This is why when I do dye my hair, I stick to different shades of brown, and if I’m feeling really risky, I do red tints. Once, I was bold enough to do blonde highlights. They were cute for awhile….but then I and everyone else began to realize that blonde is not, and never will be, my color.

See? Headbands do wonders.

I do find it funny though. Someone with their own stylist has so recollection of her natural hair color. I guess losing yourself in the character is worth it. Another superficial reason I love being an actress. Changing your appearance/. Usually the changes are super simple, like adding a headband, but its enough to make the world of difference.

Am I feeling restless? Oh yeah.

‘Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.‘ Oh, the wise words of the Jedi Master Yoda.

Always the wise one, Master.

Yet, I hate to admit it, but I do crave these things. I’m sorry…sitting in a classroom for 4 hours a day where all they do is lecture at you is not my idea of excitement. Even the younglings in a galaxy far, far away get to train with low-intensity beamed lightsabers. Why can’t I do that while also listening to my professor talk about how to design the set of a stage full of metaphors and juxtapositions?

I also crave adventure. Probably one fo the main reasons I like walking around alone by myself. You never know what mischief you can get into that way. It always invited trouble in. Want to know a secret? When I’m out walking alone in the park, or through the mall, or at the bar waiting for friends to arrive? I always imagine myself as the female version of Han Solo. Seriously, he is one badass smuggler. I wouldn’t mess with him. Underneath that gruff, there’s a genuine heart of gold. Of course, you don’t tell anyone that, but try channeling his energy just once. You’ll feel the difference in yourself.

If Han were a hipster, this is what he'd look like.

Or you’ll feel incredibly foolish.

Another girl who doesn’t wear her natural hair color, and she stands out for it? Emma Stone. She is not naturally a redhead. I believe she is a blonde, actually. Maybe a brunette. Either way, it wasn’t doing it for her. She dyed her hair red and voila! The calls and offers started rolling in. I guess it’s better to be a funny red-headed girl than a blonde one. Who knows? Hollywood can be ass backwards sometimes.

Funny girls come in all shapes and hair color choices.

How’s everybody’s Friday going so far? Mine has been pretty laid back, but okay. Actually, I take that back. I woke up with pure anxiety running through my veins. No, I wasn’t on a drug, but it should be called that. Everybody would be getting high off anxiety. It’s got a ring to it.

Anyways, receiving a text at 2 in the morning alerting me that people from work are being let go doesn’t do anything healthy for my psychological state of being. My mind has a mind of its own. Find that confusing? My heart will race on its own, my blood will be doing its own thing, and my mind will be 40 countries to the left. Sometimes, my body doesn’t feel like its my own. Well, now I just feel psychotic, so I’ll stop mentioning it.

But remember, its Friday night, and I never want my Friday nights to be anything but Fabulous. You got it, it’s time for Fabulous Friday. Here are the things making my life a little more fabulous a moment at a time:

Favorite Quote: “Whenever I’m depressed, I like to cut myself… a nice, big piece of cake.” velvet cake!

Favorite Pup:

I miss my Jade, even if all she does is jump all over me.

Favorite Star Wars / Pixar Moment:

Actions speak louder than words.

Favorite Snack:

Not only delicious, but relatively healthy for you!

Favorite Grey’s Anatomy Moment: I am in love with Cristina Yang, and here are a few of her gut-busting moments.

Favorite Decor Idea:

Keep that Christmas cheer all year round, and a great way to mood light the bedroom.

Favorite Smile:

Chivalry shouldn't, and isn't, dead. Not as long as I'm around!

Favorite Josh Groban Twitter Post: After watching, you’ll want to add it your bucket list!

I’ve never told you that little secret, either. I’m a total Grobanite. Why we are the things we are, I’ll never understand. I just like rolling with the punches.

But seriously! Have you heard that deep tenor voice?

My heart just pitter-pattered

Absolutely magical.

Just like this picture 🙂