good taste

My Taste, My Rules

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There’s something about fall that gets me going.

How does this not take your breath away?

The changing leaves, the cooler air, the fact that I feel like I’m a part of the Fellowship of the Ring whenever I slip on a particular pair of boots, the idea that Halloween is just around the corner which further feeds my theatrical spirit (who wouldn’t want to wear an exorbitant costume for one full day out of the entire year?). There is so much I love about this season.

And the styles that come with it!

I know a lot of people claim to think that spring is the time for rebirth and change, but I think the same is true for fall. Seeing the leaves change color makes me ask why I can’t change a little something about myself? Which gives full reason as to why I’m looking at images for my tattoo and in November, once the upcoming wedding nuptials are said and done with, I will be heading to my stylist and saying, “Make me a redhead.” I need to keep a spark alive in me once winter hits, or I die inside. Little by little, I die inside.

Yup…I’ll be joining the ginger world.

Plus, everyone feels a little randier when winter hits. You’re stuck indoors, and needing to stay warm. Taking the flirtatious nature of men and women up a notch isn’t always a bad thing. Just know what you’re getting into before you’re knee-deep and questioning your morals.

“Good taste is the worst vise ever invented.”

The wise words of Edith Sitwell, a perverse poet. Let me sum it up for you: Whatever you like, like it. Don’t give a second thought to those who think they are better dressed, prettier, or overall more stylish. If it works for them, great! They could never pull off the looks I do, and vice versa. We’re all meant to be different, and like different things.

She clearly looks like she had impeccable style!

It’s another reason why I hate winter. Everything starts to blend together, and I get mentally bored. Which is why you will often find me having a tropical day in my bathroom on a random weekend in my apartment. Dressed in bright colors, bikini top on, coconut oil stinking up the place, fruity candle burning, and a margarita mix in the blender. You have to liven up the soul somehow, or we all die.

Keep them coming, Jeeves!

I am not a winter girl, but I am in love with every other season that exists. With that in mind, here is what I personally found to be in good taste the past week to make my Fabulous Friday:

Fabulous Manicure:

Perfect for this time of year…totally mysterious.

Fabulous Fall Beauty Look:

Super smokey eyes = yes!

Fabulous Idea:

Frame your keys, and you’ll never lose them again. Brilliance.

Fabulous Album:

They always know how to pull my heartstrings just the right way.

Fabulous Fall Beverage:

Vodka, Frappiccinno, and a little ice? Count me in.

Fabulous Wedding Must:

For my wedding day, of course. I want to be comfy when I’m getting my make-up done.

Fabulous Event:

Happening today!

Fabulous Honeymoon Suite:

After a long and glorious wedding day, this would be icing on the cake.

Fabulous Fall Accessory:

Flannel, snappable scarf. Goes under everything. I want it.

Fabulous Smile:

Fabulous Laugh:

Fabulous Kids Costume:

So pretty

Fabulous Life Goal:

Fabulous Bouquet:

Perfect for breaking the traditional colors of a fall wedding.

Fabulous Bed:

Sweet dreams, indeed.

Our forecast said snow sometime this afternoon, and I am already cringing inside. Are you kidding me? It’s the beginning of October! It’s not supposed to snow until mid-November in these parts. Even sadder…I still need to find and buy a pair of winter boots before I have to shovel my car out every morning before heading to work. BLAH!

I’m picky with my winter boots. They need to be practical, and still stylish.

In the meantime, it’s a perfect fall day (at least last time I checked about an hour ago), and there is a restaurant serving sushi calling my name for lunch. Never disobey a hungry stomach…especially when you’re taking Vitamin B tablets to boost your metabolism. Yikes. It’s not pretty sometimes, the noises my stomach makes when its hungry. Basically: Feed Me Now.

Oh, come to me, my sweet crunchy roll!

I shall obey. Happy Saturday!