happy couple

A Weekend to Lie Low

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Can everyone I’ve ever known stop getting engaged for, like, one minute?

Every time I turn around, there’s a new announcement declaring the nuptials of the new happy couple. And what am I thinking the instant after seeing said declaration? “What the hell is my problem?”The date on which my last very serious relationship ended is nearing. How sappy can I get? I’m already mourning the date of which my last serious relationship called it quits. Gaaaaah….

Grrrrrrr to the day I am dreading!

Anyways, yet another one of my friends have become engaged, and here I am, sitting on my couch, blaringly aware of the fact I am single and no way in heaven close to entering a relationship with any guy in or outside my life, and all I can think about are the cramps returning to my abdomen and the Skinny Cow caramel truffle cars stashed in our freezer. Oh, and how I meant to clean and straighten my level of the house sometime today. You know, make it more livable, and  instead, I watched the entirety of the film ‘Babel’ for the first time since, what, 2009 since it hit the Oscar nomination boards and critics raved about it?

Wasn’t expecting a few things, but it kept me interested.

Again, I’m watching this film, wondering where the Brad Pitt in my life is going to enter the picture?

Just yummy…

I’ve been a total bum this weekend, and I’m actually pretty okay with it. I felt like total ishy ickniess most of the day yesterday, and managed to clean myself up and out the door to hang out at Oktoberfest with a group of friends. I managed to get about 2 beers down my throat, feeling the old-school buzz of college-dom, and then my stomach started to rebel. I had to call it quits, and the glass mug I was chugging Starfire from? Weighed like 10 pounds.

Even though I didn’t go to the gym, Oktoberfest managed to work it into my schedule anyways.

It seriously weighs like 15 pounds when its full to the brim.

Felt better for the past 24 hours, except whenever food enters the picture, it tastes great going down, but comes back for revenge about an hour later. So, so so fabulous. Need I go into more detail? Because I can.

But I won’t.

They’re singing a trio of loveliness.

Anyways, I’m getting back into Grey’s Anatomy and think one of those Skinny Cows needs to attempt going into my stomach, so this is where I bid you good-bye. Not before sharing my New Day Sunday for the month of August. Late, but better than never.

Produce: Green beans

Fresh from the garden, of course.

Bakery:Crusty Italian Bread

Top off slices with garlic butter, and voila! Perfection.

Canned Goods:Black Beans

Always excellent for topping off a taco.

Breakfast/Cereal:Bacon-flavored ice cream

Honestly, something I wouldn’t eat on a regular basis. But it was worth a try.

Meats:Alaskan Salmon

I have become a master at making salmon, and its great protein.

Dairy:Maltball Milkshake

Perfect level of chocolate-ness

Frozen Foods:Single-Serve Pea Packets

A perfect mid-afternoon snack

Beverages:Arnie Palmer

Great afternoon pick-me-up

Toiletries:Tea Tree Facial Mask

This stuff has an immediate cooling effect on the skin, and leaves you feelings really refreshed.

Baby:White Baptism Gown

My nephew was just baptized, and I am his proud godmother 🙂

Household:Pier One Fiesta Containers

The cutest thing every kitchen needs.

Pets:Glow-in-the-Dark fish tank gravel

So your fish doesn’t get bored at night!

Snacks:Deep-Fried Candy Bar (Milky Way flavored)

A State Fair must.

Misc: Neutrogena Moisture Shine Lip Soother in Sheen #50

Adds a nice shine to your lips no matter what style you’re going for, ladies.

We’re calling it a night on this end, folks.

“I may not be making a living, but I’m making a difference.”

The words of Rachel Hickerson, who works on behalf of women. She’s a Jedi in her own right. We keep pushing, knowing there’s a chance for a better world out there.

Womanly organs are a necessary and crucial part of being a woman, and someone needs to know every detail about them.

Jedi Don’t Quit.

My body goal? I think so.

Tomorrow is Monday, and let the Force be with us!